Thursday, March 18, 2010

Momofuku's Milk Bar Compost Cookies

Where do I even begin with an oddity such as this? The whole concoction is just fabulously absurd, ridiculously divine and wickedly sinful. But, I'm all about fabulously absurd, ridiculously divine and wickedly sinful. How about you?
So, first of all the name on these threw me completely. I had not a clue who or what Momofuku was or is. I knew what it sounded like. It sounded like something I would yell as I backed my car into something. If that's what you thought too, well, we were both wrong. Momofuku actually translates to "lucky peach." For those of us who do not get out much, Momofuku's Milk Bar is a hot and happening sweets eatery (with the occasional appearance of a savory edible) in New York run by pastry chef, Christina Tosi. I have no clue why the essence of the name boils down to "lucky peach milk bar." Perhaps, they just wanted to be different. They are known for their breakfast cereal- flavored soft serve ice creams, something called "crack pie" and a variety of eccentric cookies. This cookie is one of them. Compost cookies. Ahhh, doesn't that name just make your mouth water :) Ok, so maybe the name lacks a bit to be desired, but the taste does not. Plus, this is a multi-tasking cookie. You get to clean your pantry out and make cookies at the same time!
Shamefully, I will share the list of items I used in my own version:
Girl Scout Cookies-DoSiDo's and Dulce De Leche-crushed
Frito Corn Chips
Ruffles Potato Chips
Peanut Butter M&M's
Chocolate Covered Almonds
Valentine Candy (chocolate)
Baby Ruth candy bars
Snickers candy bars
Milky Way bars
Rice Krispies
Peanut Butter Captain Crunch
*Just crunch up the dry stuff and chop everything else.
One very odd element to this cookie (besides the gallon of snack foods poured into the mix) is the amount of time spent beating the butter. You begin the recipe by beating the butter mixture for 10 minutes. Yes, that's right, 10 minutes. The only other thing I've ever beaten for that long (or longer) is frosting. But, Christina Tosi, knew what she was doing when she developed this smorgasbord of ingredients. So don't skip that step. Also, don't forget to refrigerate the dough for at least an hour. Look, some things, can't be explained, but this is vital. You'll end up with puddles instead of cookies. Also, don't eat the dough raw. Oh come on, you know'll get worms, or salmonella or whatever the latest scare is about raw egg. Plus, you may not be able to stop the dough consumption. Its absurdly good :) Now, go clean out your pantry and make these Compost Cookies!! Enjoy!

Momofuku's Milk Bar Compost Cookies
Recipe from Regis & Kelly

1 cup Butter
1 cup Sugar
3/4 cup Light Brown Sugar
1 Tbsp Corn Syrup
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
2 Large Eggs
1 3/4 cups AP Flour
2 tsp Baking Powder
1 tsp Baking Soda
2 tsp Kosher Salt
1 1/2 cups Your favorite baking ingredients!(mini chocolate chips, raisinettes, rollos & cocoa krispies)
1 1/2 cups Your favorite snack foods (chips, pretzels, etc)
(goldfish, ritz, & fritos)

In a stand mixer with the paddle attachment, cream butter, sugars and corn syrup on medium high for 2-3 minutes until fluffy and pale yellow in color. Scrape down the sides of the mixing bowl with a spatula.
On a lower speed, add eggs and vanilla to incorporate. Increase mixing speed to medium-high and start a timer for 10 minutes. During this time the sugar granules will fully dissolve, the mixture will become an almost pale white color and your creamed mixture will double in size.
When time is up, on a lower speed, add the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Mix 45-60 sec just until your dough comes together and all remnants of dry ingredients have incorporated. Do not walk away from your mixer during this time or you will risk over mixing the dough. Scrape down the sides of the mixing bowl with a spatula.
On same low speed, add in the hodgepodge of your favorite baking ingredients and mix for 30-45 sec until they evenly mix into the dough. Add in your favorite snack foods last, paddling again on low speed until they are just incorporated.
Using a 6oz ice cream scoop, portion cookie dough onto a parchment lined sheetpan.
Wrap scooped cookie dough tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour or up to 1 week.
DO NOT BAKE your cookies from room temperature or they will not hold their shape.
Heat the conventional oven to 400F. (350F in a convection oven)
When the oven reads 400F, arrange your chilled cookie dough balls on a parchment or silpat-lined sheetpan a minimum of 4" apart in any direction.
Bake 9-11 min. While in the oven, the cookies will puff, crackle and spread.
At 9 min the cookies should be browned on the edges and just beginning to brown towards the center. Leave the cookies in the oven for the additional minutes if these colors don't match up and your cookies stills seem pale and doughy on the surface.
Cool the cookies completely on the sheet pan before transferring to a plate or an airtight container or tin for storage. At room temp, cookies will keep fresh 5 days. In the freezer, cookies will keep fresh 1 month.


cookies and cups said...

I have seen these around lately and am THIS close to making that crack pie, but I am easily addicted and know I would be on the street corner beggin' for pie if it lives up to it's name ;)
These cookies are a dream...i guess I'm gonna have to make them now!!

Virginia Taylors said...

Amazing! It sounds gross...I will be trying these!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said...

This is a very interesting recipe.

Anonymous said...

These are fascinating. Crazy but you know they would taste amazing, so crazy good :D
*kisses* HH

Chef Jeena said...

Lovely sweet treat yum!

Angie's Recipes said...

The cookies look chewy, crunchy and delicious.

Diana's Cocina said...

You know I'm all about fabulously absurd, ridiculously divine and wickedly sinful food! Sweet and salty all in one. How can you go wrong?

The Blonde Duck said...

Popped in from Ungourmet to say hi! These look great!

Mary Bergfeld said...

I know these are delicious and I know, for sure, that my grandsons would love them. I just can't get past "compost" cookies :-).

Lucie said...

I love the ingredients you used in your compost cookies! I've seen them made with healthier ingredients, and have to admit I like your version best :)

CinnamonAndSass said...

I can't tell if I'm disgusted or drooling! What a fun recipe!

Kim said...

I bet this is a really fun thing to do with the kiddos! It also sounds like you have a lot of goodies in your pantry:D
They sound great to me:D

Lara said...

I am your newest follower! Stop by my blog and enter some great giveaways!

Your blog is scrumptious!!

toeandhaysmom said...

Hey do you kiss your momma with that mouth!!! I need to learn how to say that before I try to tell someone about it or they will be looking at me like "you yuck mouth!!!" Sounds good.

grace said...

these are becoming all the rage, aren't they! things i like to do, in order of enjoyment:
-eat cookies.
-say the word 'momofuku.'
-use up the dregs of multiple ingredients in one fell swoop.
obviously, this creation is win-win. :)

JennyMac said...

These cookies look great but I am a little scared of including fritos. LOL.

Your blog is beautiful. Off to check out your Redemption Cake.

Happy FF!

elizabeth said...

YUM! YAY for finding you through Friday Follow..would love to have you follow back at

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

That is one crazy mixup of ingredients..but I bet they're delish!

Deb said...

I'm your newest friday follower.

A GAL NEEDS... said...

Just what I need....more temptation! Oh, what the heck! I'm now following from Friday Follow. The cookies actually look great! I'm at AGalNeedsAtLeast2Blogs
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I'm your newest follower. I see quite a few sinful sweets. And would love to make some of these.

Kel said...

I will definitely be trying this recipe. Happy Friday!


theUngourmet said...

Oh how I love sweet and salty together! My kids would have a blast playing around with this recipe!

Diane Schmidt said...

sweet and salty a great combo!

Angie said...

I like it, i like it alot! great recipe and the name is too fun, it reminds me of my favorite after party dish, the trash plate. The blah, blah blah hash browns and coffee. Nothing better, we eat it for dinner pretty often too.

From the Kitchen said...

Delicious looking! Just found your blog and have been perusing it over a cup of coffee and getting hungrier by the minute. Love the entry with your darling little girls in the kitchen. When I directed and taught at a cooking school in Charleston, S.C., I always did classes for children during the summer. They were my favorite ones to do!


Tree said...

Sweet AND favorite combination! LOL

I've left a couple "blog awards" for you on my blog....stop on over and snag them up! :) Love your blog.

Coming from another southern gal (transplanted in Jersey LOL)

Tree (aka Mother of Pearl)

Chef Aimee said...

Wow...compost never looked SO good!

Julie said... about getting everything you want in one cookie :) Looks amazing.

Anonymous said...

I made the same cookies last week. It's great but not as good as the crack pie. Agreed with you that it's a good way to clean up the pantry.

Brad said...

Yum, what an interesting recipe, sounds great. Wish I could eat some right now...

Latane Barton said...

Holy cow... that looks so good.

Anonymous said...

I love the name...Compost Cookies :) Too cute and yummy to boot.

Pam said...

Very clever and fascinating! They really look good and a great way to use up odds and ends. Love that compost!

Krista said...

This is one crazy cookie recipe! However, I see how it probably works. Actually, I understand how these cookies are totally delicious. They mimick my late night snacking pattern: Grab a few chocolate I need something salty...maybe some peanuts...oh darn it, now I need something sweet again...better grab for those girls scout cookies...and the viscious cycle continues...

Here you just need one handy cookie to stop the cravings. Yeah right, like I could stop at one. : )

Trissa said...

Okay - this is it - I will finally have to make it. I've just heard so many good things about this cookie and your pictures are so good that they are actually quite bad for me to stare to long... tummy now growling.

3 hungry tummies said...

Americans are going momofuko crazy lol
This is something I can do with my very little baking skill, thank you!

bizzimommiofboyz said...

Stopping by from Friday Follow. Happy Friday!

You have some yummy recipies, I wll definitely be back!

Following from...


Hope you'll stop by!

sanjeet said...

Amazing! It sounds gross...I will be trying these!
home based data entry

Natalie A. said...

I've never heard of such a recipe, but it really looks like worth a try!
Happy Friday Follow! I'm following your blog now! Have a great weekend!

Luv to Save said...

thanks for the follow..following you back

Jessica said...

Your compost cookies came out great! I tried them on my own but was too impatient to let them refrigerate through and ended up with puddle cookies...tasty puddle cookies though once we scraped them off the pan!