Saturday, April 10, 2010

Chocolate Peanut Butter Candy Bar Cookies

Not so long ago, there were some dark times brewing at the Sinful Southern Sweets house. The Runwild Princesses' were both sick with the crud. Runny noses, coughs. You know kids are just the epitome of "Germs Gone Wild."  Well, happened. Yes, I got it.  You know the old sayin' "When Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" Well,  Momma wasn't happy, to say the least. You know, when you're the Momma, and you get sick, there is no down time. No sick days.  I always get a nice chuckle at the Dr's office when they say "Now rest as much as possible." Seriously?!?!.....Let's not even go there. Anyways. To make the whole sick escapade even more delightful, the worst  possible punishment for a Food Junkie was bestowed upon me. 
I lost my sense of taste and smell....for 6 days. It was torture. I'm serious. If the Russians ever decided to come get me and try to torture me for information (Oh, I have information. Don't act like we don't get good Russian gossip down here below the Mason Dixon line.....we hear stuff, really :) they would just have to figure out how to mess with my senses. So,  for 6 days, I did not cook. What was the use? I certainly couldn't tell if what I was cooking was good or not. My poor family. They caught the brunt of my complaints. I'm thinking Mr. Sweets must have started pleading for God to just thrust the pain of the sickness upon him, because soon, he came down with it too! To make a long story short,  on day 6, the heavens parted and God bestowed a touch of mercy upon me and gave me a teaser of a scent here and a taste there. So what did I do??? I made these Candy Bar Cookies. I'm not certain if they are really as good as I thought they were, or if I was simply so ecstatic to be able to taste something of substance. But, I remember them being purely divine. So divine that I ate half of them all by myself. Then again.... I think I shall go and make them again just to make sure I'm remembering correctly :) Enjoy!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Candy Bars
via Buns In My Oven
adapted from Taste Of Home, April/May 2010
  • 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs or vanilla wafer crumbs
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 3/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 3/4 cup butter, cubed
  • 1/3 cup milk
  • 2 sleeves Ritz crackers (about 80 crackers)
  • 1 1/2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1 1/4 cups peanut butter
  • Optional-M&M's & Pretzels
In a large saucepan, combine the cracker crumbs, sugars, butter, and milk. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Cook and stir for about 5 minutes more.
Grease a 9×13 pan and place a single layer of Ritz crackers along the bottom. Top with half of the graham cracker crumb mixture. Repeat layers once and then top with the remaining Ritz crackers (I actually topped mine with about 1/2 cup of crushed pretzels.
In a microwave safe bowl, combine the chocolate chips and peanut butter. Microwave on low, stopping to stir occasionally. Do not over cook or the chocolate will burn. Pour over the crackers (pretzels). Top with M&M's at this point. Refrigerate until firm. Cut into bars and enjoy!

*Remember to enter my Giveaway for a Mother's Day box of Fairytale Brownies!!


  1. You are doin' me in with all of the chocolate peanut butter combos. I think that I have gained 8lbs via osmosis. MmmMmm...there's even M&M's on top.

  2. You really know how to make my mouth water! These look delicious!

    I'm glad you're feeling better and certainly sympathize with the dilemma of us moms being sick.

  3. wow they look so good! i'm so copying this recipe down NOW!

  4. I have two grandsons who will love your candy bars. I know I've said it before but ... their grandma loves your blog. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  5. Oh these bars look so yummy! I want some!

  6. Oh boy these look dangerously delish!!! lol

  7. Yum, my favorite combination!! Glad you got your senses back LOL! As far as that rest thing - the only way moms, or women in general for that matter, would get any rest is if we went on a vacation on a tropical island, with no cell phone or internet reception!

  8. These must be addictive! Beautiful clicks!

  9. I am a big fan of bars and peanut butter, so those bars would not last very long at my place! Yummy!



  10. I gasped out loud when I saw this. If you had a contest to win those, I would claw my way to the winner's circle.

  11. These are SO cute!! I just came across your blog and love it!!

  12. Stopping by a bit late from Follow Me Friday at Trendy Treehouse. I'm now following your blog! Hope you can come by and follow me back. :)

    I have a couple giveaways going on right now - one is for a $10 shopping spree at the Sweet as Pie Creations Etsy shop, and the other is for a handmade greeting card, a $5 Starbucks gift card, and a surprise! I hope you'll come enter! :)

    Oh. My. GAWD. Those look so incredible! Want! Need! Droooooool...

  13. i'm a big fan of the sweet-salty combination and really, who doesn't love chocolate and peanut butter together? anyone? bueller? :)
    great treat!

  14. Saw your profile on another page. Glad I took the time to read your informative and well-written blog. Look forward to following you here. Have a great night. Cheers!

  15. YUM these look so good! I love anything with a sweet and salty combo!

  16. These look delicious! I am so glad you are feeling better.

  17. These are enough to make anyone better and tickle those taste buds!

  18. These look great ~ I saw them over at Buns and have been wanting to give them a try!


  20. Oh man, those look way too good! Just found your blog - love it. As a child of the south I am totally aware of the traditions and yummy-ness of southern cooking! I'll be back 'cause I added you to my list of inspiring places. Have a super weekend...Kathy @ Mimi's Garden

  21. OMG, I think after eating something like that, I quickly need to visit my dentist! Bloomington, IL residents love making home-made cookies and candy bars! I'll definitely show this recipe to all of my neighbors, though this might be bad news for Bloomington dentists! Hahaha. Thanks again for the recipe.

  22. These are delicious!! I made them for a memorial at church tomorrow, but I had a hard time getting them out of the pan pretty! They were a mess! Also they seperating. The chocolate layer from the cracker layer! Any suggestions?!


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