Where has our year gone?!?! Just yesterday it seems, I was posting about Back to School Cupcakes and my Princess Runwild was starting a new phase of life as a kindergartener. Now, here we are finishing up her last week as a kindergartener…But that’s ok, at least I won’t have to listen to little sister, Runwilder, scream every morning as we drop her big sister off at school. I kid you not, every single day that we have taken Runwild to school, Runwilder has screamed after her as she gets out of the car “I need you!!” I thought it would only last the first few weeks of school, but no….every single school day.
So, as the school year comes to an end, you may be looking for a little gift for your teachers. That’s what I’m sharing today. Its not so much a recipe, as in idea. If you’re short on time, you can simply go to the store and buy a pack of premade cupcakes. You’ll need a mason jar, cupcakes, sprinkles and this oh- so- cute printable I’ve made for you.
You can download the printable here.
Oh, and some ribbon would also be nice.
Its very simple. Just stack a few cupcakes in that jar (I used 3 cupcakes). Add Sprinkles in between the layers if you want to make it extra special. Put the top on and tie/tape on the tag. I know it seems simple, but who wouldn’t love this. Its cake…in a jar.
Portable Perfection! The only think that would make these teachers love you more is if you sent them a plastic fork so they don’t have to wait to eat it. And, don’t forget to let your little one sign the tag.